U of N School leaders characteristics
When we consider the characteristics of a YWAM/U of N school leader (team) we need to ask three questions:
Who is a leader?
Who is a YWAM/U of N leader?
Who is a YWAM/U of N school leader?
Characteristics of a Leader (Team):
To determine necessary qualifications we must begin with the Scriptures and let the Word of God shape our definitions. The following lists only some of the Scriptural particulars and therefore is only exemplary, not exhaustive. The Scriptures are listed first and then the principles highlighted afterwards to remind us that our foundation is the Word. The following list is not arranged in a hierarchy of priorities.
Mark 10:35-45; John 13:1-17-- Committed to servant leadership
Ezr 7:10; Act 1:1-2; 1Th 1:4-7; 2Pe 1:5-8--Committed to lead by example (modeling)
2Ti 2:1-6 --Committed to investing in others (mentoring)
1Co 1:22-2:5; Col 1:28-29 --Committed to a Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered ministry
1Ti 3:1-13; Titus 1:6-9--Committed to personal growth in godly character
Characteristics of a YWAM/U of N Leader (Team):
Adding to the above list, we now must consider the YWAM/U of N foundational values. All YWAM/U of N leaders must fully understand and incorporate daily into their personal and public lives the YWAM/U of N values, and be able to communicate these in such a way as to impart these values to others in a life-changing way.
In the ensuing list those elements which are unique to this ministry role within YWAM/U of N are enumerated. The following guidelines should be used in facilitating mutual accountability on a basis of relationships among the leadership team and those to whom they are responsible.
As a team they seek the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit in developing and running the school.
They seek to draw together all that the Holy Spirit is doing and saying, leading in personal application.
They accept the responsibility for the recruiting and training of both staff and students.
They facilitate the necessary financial, academic and counseling activities.
They should understand the mission's structure, and embrace the YWAM/U of N goals and values, seeking to implement those into the fabric of the course.
They seek to identify and draw in ministry gifts from a variety of cultural, linguistic, national and denominational backgrounds.
The team leader seeks to utilize the variety of gifts within the leadership team through utilizing a variety of leadership styles.
The leadership team seeks to implement appropriate and meaningful evaluations of themselves, the students and the course.
The team seeks to promote the goals of how the course meets society's needs and helps to reach the unreached.
They are committed to be personally involved on a regular basis in class and other school activities.
They are committed to pursuing relationships with base directors, College/Faculty teams, and other school leaders.
They are committed to ongoing personal growth and skill development.
(Last updated: 7 July, 2015) ©International DTS Centre, 2002, 2005, 2015.