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YWAMers Speak Out
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A word from Lynn Green- The big question YWAM succession January 2023
A 2021 series of videos from global elders on YWAM and eldership including a memorial for Floyd McClung HERE
Great recent podcast by Loren Cunningham on praying in Unity
YWAM together 2018 videos HERE
This is a link to the recent three messages live streamed from Loren Cunningham, Joy Dawson, and Brother Andrew
Letters from Loren
YWAM together workbook-Kansas City gathering 2016-David Joel Hamilton
John Dawson on the DTS as a covenant- Townsville gathering 2015
YWAM Values-Video produced by YWAM Denver
The University of the Nations: A new kind of University-Video
Global prayer initiative 2015- This is a global call to prayer by the Founders circle starting Oct. 8
Teaching 1 by Shirley Brownhill
Teaching 2 by Michael Burg
Let's Go barefoot- video teaching by Loren Cunningham circa 1977
The Belief Tree by Darlene Cunningham with David Joel Hamilton and Dawn Gauslin
Tripod message by Loren Cunningham, 2004 (updated 2012)
Circles, Cycles, and Circuits by Loren Cunningham Dec. 2011
Elderships and platforms GLT 2009
Applying Samuel leadership GLT 2008
October 2007 Leadership Letter by Lynn Green
May 2007 Leadership Letter by Lynn Green
May 2007 Day of Prayer by Tom Bloomer
February 2007 Leadership Letter by Lynn Green
October 2006 Leadership Letter by Lynn Green
January 2006 Letter to YWAM Intl by Lynn Green
October 2005 Leadership Letter by Lynn Green
Why is Intercession Required in the U of N by Tom Bloomer
Provost Quarterly Newsletter #2 May 2006 by Tom Bloomer
Provost Quarterly Newsletter by Tom Bloomer
March 2006 ILT Meetings in Fiji by Tom Bloomer
Relational Giving by Lynn Green
Families at the Heart of the Mission by Lynn Green
The U of N is Success-Based by Tom Bloomer
Armed in the Spirit by Lynn Green (11 Jan 06)
Reflections on Dealing With Death by John Dawson (03 Jan 06)
Value # 4 Worship & Intercession by Ian Muir (01 October 05)
Value # 3 Hearing God's Voice by Darlene Cunningham (01 June 05)
Going On, After 50 Days by John Dawson (01 June 05)
Value # 2 Making God Known by Loren Cunningham (01 Feb 05)
YWAM's Call to Prayer by Lynn Green (01 Feb 05)
God and the Tsunami by Lynn Green (05 Jan 05)
Collapsing building by Lynn Green 2005
A Word to YWAM by John Dawson (01 June 04)
How to Deal With Confrontation by Darlene Cunningham (01 Feb 04)
Alignment a video message by John Dawson 2003
Personal Reflections on the Book of Hebrews by Maureen Menard
Hearing With Faith by Maureen Menard
Justice by John Dawson
Fatherhood by John Hess
Transactional and Transformational Leadership by Tom Bloomer
The Role of Intercession in Discipleship by Maureen Menard
Long Termers with a Short Term Mentality by Floyd McClung Jr.
The Book of Acts: Making Space for Others by David Hamilton
Guidance by Revelation by Laurence Singlehurst
Reaching Youth Through Youth by Maureen Menard
Attracting & Keeping Long Term Staff by Barry Austin
Love Feast Beginnings by Tom Bloomer
On Justice and Vengeance by Lynn Green
Reinventing YWAM by Tom Bloomer
Finishing the Task by Landa Cope
(Last updated: 28 January, 2022) ©International DTS Centre, 2002, 2005, 2015.